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.Arabic language courses (MAIN PAGE)

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Arabic Courses


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Self-Study Arabic Courses

Learn Arabic Now! 10.0


Learn Arabic Now! is an immersion program that enables learners take basic vocabulary and quickly progress to more advanced comprehension and use. Grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening, pronunciation skills, and more are emphasized through the use of native language texts, videos, and stories that immerse the user in the Arabic language and provide opportunities for language investigation, skill-building and role play.

Engaged in this rich multimedia experience, you may never feel like you're studying, and the fact that you are actually using another language becomes transparent.

For additional details or to buy the product, please follow this link:
Transparent Language

To learn another language with Language Now please click here



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Arabic BYKI
BYKI is a software program to learn Arabic words and phrases.

Audio-only program designed to learn conversational Arabic.

TeLL Me More
A complete solution for learning Arabic at home.

Rosetta Stone
A software based language learning system which teaches Arabic through image association.






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