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Arabic language courses (MAIN PAGE)

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Arabic Courses


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Self-Study Arabic Courses


Colloquial Arabic

Choose the Colloquial Arabic program which is right for you:

Colloquial Arabic of Egypt: The Complete Course for Beginners
0415276918.jpg (2843 bytes)The second edition of this course in Arabic of Egypt for beginners has been completely revised and updated to make learning Arabic of Egypt easier and more enjoyable than ever before. Specially written by experienced teachers for self-study and class use, the course offers you a step-by-step approach to written and spoken Arabic of Egypt.

For additional details or to buy the product, please choose a store:
Seller Version
Amazon.com Book/CD/Cassette
Powells.com Book/CD/Cassette
Powells.com Book

Colloquial Arabic (Levantine)Colloquial Arabic (Levantine) is easy to use and completely up-to-date. Specially written by experienced teachers for self-study or class use, the course offers you a step-by-step approach to written and spoken Levantine Arabic.
For additional details or to buy the product, please choose a store:
Seller Version
Amazon.com Book/ cassette
Powells.com Book/ cassette

Colloquial Arabic of the Gulf & Saudi Arabia
Colloquial Arabic of the Gulf and Saudi Arabia is a practical course in everyday Arabic as it is used in the area extending from Basra in southern Iraq, through Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates to Oman. Requiring no prior knowledge of the language, the course is ideal for anyone seeking to develop a sound command of contemporary Gulf Arabic whether studying independently or with a teacher.
For additional details or to buy the product, please choose a store:
Seller Version
Amazon.com Book/Cassette
Powells.com Book/ cassette



To learn another language with Colloquial please click here


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Arabic BYKI
BYKI is a software program to learn Arabic words and phrases.

Audio-only program designed to learn conversational Arabic.

TeLL Me More
A complete solution for learning Arabic at home.

Rosetta Stone
A software based language learning system which teaches Arabic through image association.


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