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Italian Language Courses in Italy


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Italian Language School in Genoa - Liguria, Italy


dooritaly-2.jpg (15329 bytes)The Italian Language School for Foreigners A DOOR TO ITALY was established in 2002, and was the first institution teaching Italian as a foreign language in Genoa. It specialises in the successful organisation of every aspect of a language course, taught by experienced teachers including additional social activities such as guided tours of the city, visits to museums and different opportunities to enjoy the local culture and the local cuisine and products of Genoa. Each year hundreds of students from all over the world enjoy top quality courses.
dooritaly-3.jpg (13548 bytes)The school is located in Genoa, in the beautiful Italian Riviera, close to Portofino and Cinque Terre. All the language courses are offered all year round at the school's premises in the heart of the town, in an elegant and fascinating 19th century building with large and sunny classrooms, a balcony, a lounge area with coffee corner and snacks, daily newspapers, free internet points with also WiFi connection, a furnished library and an information point regarding cultural and leisure activities. The school proposes a wide range of housing options, from basic accommodation up to the high level solution, to guarantee the students a pleasant stay.
A Door to Italy School's programme is based on 6 different levels: from beginners to advanced levels corresponding to the Common European Framework of Languages (from A1 to C2). Classes are small, with average of 5-6 students per group. This helps to ensure the students are given personal attention and the opportunity for self expression.
dooritaly-4.jpg (13383 bytes)The school offers courses in Italian language at any level, intensive programs, long terms programs, cultural programs combining Italian language and culture, ranging from literature and history to cookery and local crafts, diving and photography. Preparatory courses to Certification CELI released from the University for foreigners from Perugia and more targeted courses such as Italian for business, Italian for law, Italian for healthcare, Italian for hoteliers and for the tourist industry, Italian language of the Opera. Specialist courses for Interpreters and Translators.
The school is member of ASILS, the National Association of Schools of Italian as a Second Language designed to guarantee the quality of instruction and professional level of services offered to students.



A door to Italy – Scuola di Italiano
 Via Caffaro 4/7
16124 Genova - Italy
Tel:    +39 010 2465870
Fax    +39 010 2542240

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