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Italian Language Courses in Italy


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Italian Language School in Genoa - Liguria, Italy

ebaea154-6.jpg (55265 bytes)Schools are often the same. Same posters on the walls, same furniture, same ready-made modules. Our view is different.

Learning Italian is not just a matter of grammar: it also entails the use of the hands, assimilating culture, a quip while having an ice-cream, sharing the treasures of a museum, chatting to friends and others you bump into. Steeped in history, Genoa combines a unique blend of stunning landscapes, exquisite art and excellent food in a moderately sized modern city, boasting an extensive historic centre. This coastline city enjoys mild temperatures, kissed by the Mediterranean sunshine.

Our aim is to turn all this into the perfect scenario for a select range of highly professional activities, where quality means attention to detail, and learning is conceived as the pleasure of viewing new horizons.

ebaea154-4.jpg (58037 bytes)A stylish school in stylish premises, Amalelingue is based in via San Lorenzo, in the very heart of Genoa, an ideal starting point to discover the city. It is located in the liveliest part of the historic centre, in a pedestrian area, within walking distance of the most interesting sites. Suffice it to raise your eyes and admire from the very window of your classroom.

Our courses, spanning A1 to C2, are essentially communicative and practical, aimed at developing students' authentic linguistic and active skills. They may vary according to the number of classes, attendance and lesson type. Our teachers are not only mother tongue but also specialized, highly qualified and experienced. The proof of our expertise? We teach teachers.

ebaea154-5.jpg (93762 bytes)Special programmes combine Italian with cookery, pilates, photography or sailing. And for those who want to return home with an upgraded CV, have a look at our dedicated certification courses in Italian.

Guided walks, Italian films, visits to museums and exibitions, slow tour (a special, gastronomy treat), aperitifs, a night out at the theatre or cinema are just a taste of our activity programme.

Accommodation can be arranged for you in private flats, bed & breakfast, studio apartments or hostel, all located in the centre close to Amalelingue, or in areas conveniently reached by bus or metro.





Via San Lorenzo, 21/17

16123 Genova (Italy)
tel/fax +39 010 8996487

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