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Learn Arabic in Morocco

Arabic language school in Rabat, Morocco


AMIDEAST Education Abroad Programs in the Arab World offers semester, academic year and summer programs designed for undergraduate students who want to accelerate their acquisition of Arabic language proficiency, deepen their understanding of the peoples and cultures of the Middle East and North Africa and expand their intercultural and global competence

AMIDEAST Education Abroad Programs in the Arab World currently offers two programs, both headquartered in Morocco’s capital, Rabat. It offers a diverse set of courses, semi-intensive instruction in Modern Standard Arabic and Moroccan Arabic.  Students in the program live either with Arabic-speaking Moroccan families or in a private Moroccan student residence hall and attend their classes both at AMIDEAST’s facilities in the bustling Agdal area of the city and in the buildings of AMIDEAST’s partner, the College of Letters and Humanities of Mohammed V University – Agdal, near the Royal Palace.  Courses are taught by English-speaking Moroccan faculty members from the University and other universities in Rabat and neighboring cities.  

Students in the AMIDEAST Education Abroad Program in Rabat carry a 16 credit hour load each semester.  All students enroll in Modern Standard Arabic and Moroccan Arabic and select other electives from offerings in Middle East and North African studies in a variety of disciplines.

Students enrolled in the AMIDEAST Education Abroad Program in Rabat, Morocco have two choices of living arrangements plans: Living with a Moroccan Family or living in a student residence with a Moroccan roommate. The residence hall is located in the university quarter of the city and students living there should expect to take public transportation to and from classes.  In addition to the academic program, the AMIDEAST Education Abroad Program in Rabat offers a variety of additional learning opportunities to enhance participants' study abroad experience as well as program-organized excursions outside of Rabat to visit major cities and historical sites in Morocco.


AMIDEAST Education Abroad Program in Rabat
1730 M Street, NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 776-9640
Fax: (202) 776-7040

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