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Learn Arabic in Morocco

Center for Cross Cultural Learning
Arabic language school in Rabat, Morocco


Located in a nineteenth century building in the old city of Rabat (the Medina), the Center for Cross-Cultural Learning (CCCL) is a private cultural institution founded and directed by Moroccan academics with many years of experience in cross-cultural education. Courses in Fus’ha (Standard Arabic) and Darija (Moroccan Arabic) are taught by professionals trained specifically to teach Arabic as a second language. The CCCL organizes a variety of cultural and educational activities which include language courses, seminars and lecture series on Moroccan society and Arab and Islamic cultures. The CCCL also sponsors art exhibits and musical performances and organizes educational excursions to various parts of Morocco.

The center created in 1995 a language department to help participants immerse themselves in the Moroccan community. The Arabic department follows the communicative approach in order to strengthen the students’ oral abilities and skills. The center's philosophy is that language of instruction should be in Arabic in all but the very beginning classes, where only a minimum of English is used. The materials used for teaching may vary according to the levels. Besides written materials, CCCL uses audio, video and internet material and CCCL has a small library that contains dictionaries and other resources made available for the students learning Arabic both Fus’ha and Darija at the center.   Courses are organized in small groups (no more than 10 students).

CCCL offers Regular, Intensive and Semi Intensive courses. Intensive courses take place throughout the year. Students may enroll in group sessions (min. 4) or in private tuition. There are lessons for children, pronunciation and phrase program, etc. CCCL also offers classes of ASP (Arabic for Special Purposes), designed for researchers, advanced in Arabic, with an interest in studying special fields such as Politics, economy, religion, etc.

CCCL organizes homestays with Moroccan families with a possibility of sharing a room with the same sex. The full room and board is offered within a family.


Center for Cross Cultural Learning (CCCL)
Avenue Laalou
Derb Eljirari, Zankat Elhassani, N°11
Rabat Medina, 10000, Morocco
PO Box 6291 Rabat Instituts, Rabat 10101, Morocco
Tel : + - Fax : + -

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