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Dutch  language courses (MAIN PAGE)

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Dutch Courses


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Dutch Self-Learning Courses


Dutch BYKI
byki-dutch.jpg (10430 bytes)BYKI is a software program to learn Dutch words and phrases.
Learn Dutch Now!
Learn Dutch Now! immerses you in Dutch language videos and conversations to give you practical experience in using the language.

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone is a software based language learning system which teaches Dutch by intuitive association of images to words or phrases (written and/or pronounced by native speakers).


41538.jpg (4806 bytes)Pimsleur Spanish is an audio-only training system designed to teach spoken Spanish language skills.  This is a program you can use anywhere: at home, at the office or on the go... while commuting, at gym, etc.
tellmemoredutch.jpg (6095 bytes)TeLL Me More
Tell Me More is a Dutch learning software program which adapts to different learning needs.





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