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Spanish Courses

Costa Rica
     Dominican Rep.
     El Salvador


Spanish Language Courses in Costa Rica


Instituto de Español Costa Rica -IECR
Spanish Language School in Costa Rica


iecr-2.jpg (16102 bytes)IECR is a highly professional Spanish school located in San Jose, Costa Rica. It organizes short and long term, intensive, language IMMERSION PROGRAMS for persons interested in studying Spanish, professional Legal and Medical Spanish courses as well as Spanish for Missionaries and Religious Organizations. Furthermore IECR offers PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP PROGRAMS in many different areas like business administration, legal field, social field, TEFL, tourism, hospitality as well as VOLUNTARY WORK in National

Thanks to a dynamic methodology in language teaching and personalized attention in a professional and friendly atmosphere, IECR provides high quality in the area of Spanish teaching. IECR's MISSION is offering first rate Spanish instruction along with authentic cultural experience. Therefore the school offers personalized attention in individual classes or small groups combined with cultural activities such as Latin Dance and Costa Rican Cooking, for an approach to Latin American culture.

Instituto de Español "Costa Rica"
Phone: (+506) 2806622
Fax:     (+506) 2834733

Click here to explore
other schools in Costa Rica




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