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Arabic Courses


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Self-Study Arabic Courses

Learn Arabic for Beginner

This program is a course developed for foreigners to learn Arabic. It teaches the principles of phonetics, writing and structure of Arabic. Learning Arabic as a Foreign Language, 'Level one' advantages: Self-based or classroom study. Maximum user control. Lessons are configured according to the user's preferences. Learn Arabic from four languages: English, French, Turkish and Malaysian. Audio and Video of native speakers. More than 85 masterpieces in Arabic calligraphy. Toolbox kit for translation, diacritizaion, font type. Authentic Middle Eastern music/song. Components of the Program: 1. Lessons The program comprises ten lessons where each is divided into 12 parts. The first six are related to the presentation of linguistic elements with equal emphasis given to the four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The next four furnish engaging exercises to sharpen the acquired skills. Finally, the last two provide entertaining games to re-enforce vocabulary items. 2. Appreciate Arabic: 'Appreciate Arabic' focuses on the history of the Arabic language and its development. Following are the major themes introduced: The origin and spread of the Arabic language. Family tree of the Arabic script. Stages in the development of the Arabic language. Arabic calligraphy. The Arab world. Computerization of the Arabic language. 3. Verses from The Holy Quran: Verses from the Holy Quran are presented within an educational framework. This is an optional part that may be of particular interest to Muslim learners but will provide non Muslims with a flavor of the Classical language. 4. Typing Tutor: Using the computer as a medium for learning Arabic, necessitates familiarity with the Arabic keyboard. Hence, Sakhr has included its keyboard tutor as a gift to all learners of Arabic.

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