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Arabic Courses


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Self-Study Arabic Courses

Let's Learn Arabic - Language Program

Alphabet, Grammar, Conversation & Vocabulary 4 CD Bundle.

Let's Learn Arabic, A Comprehensive Integrated Interactive Series for Beginners and Intermediates. Alphabet If you want to learn the Arabic sound system and script, then this is the program for you. Hear every word pronounced and watch animation as it gets written in context. Vocabulary Learn Arabic words in a meaningful and useful fashion with this program. Not only are words presented in thematic groups, they are also linked to everyday life situations. Conversation Here is your chance to learn to communicate in Arabic in a very short period of time. The program introduces you to multiple situations that are woven into an intriguing story. It is now possible to learn Arabic fast, and have fun while doing so. Grammar What better way to learn Arabic Grammar than by following this unique animated interactive approach? This program is full of multiple presentations, followed by intriguing exercises and games. Intelligent feedback on your performance is provided.

For additional details or to buy the product, please choose a store:

Seller Version
Amazon.com CD-ROM



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Arabic BYKI
BYKI is a software program to learn Arabic words and phrases.

Audio-only program designed to learn conversational Arabic.

TeLL Me More
A complete solution for learning Arabic at home.

Rosetta Stone
A software based language learning system which teaches Arabic through image association.











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