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Learn French in Canada

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French Language School in Quebec City


ebacd101-2.jpg (85246 bytes)Edu-Inter French School offers French immersion programs for teenagers, adults and teachers in the beautiful city of Quebec, Canada.

Edu-Inter's objective is to offer the highest quality French courses in combination with outstanding cultural activities.

By combining communicative teaching methodology with a variety of cultural and entertaining activities, Edu-Inter offers a truly outstanding French immersion experience.

Edu-Inter French programs are open to all people from all over the world ready to learn French and grow!

ebacd101-4.jpg (88788 bytes)Located on the campus of Collège Mérici, Edu-inter offers courses for different levels of French (from complete beginner to advanced) in reduced class settings with an average number of 7 to 9 students (12 during the summer program) in each class. In order to place you in the right level, you will be asked to take a quick online French test before your arrival to Quebec City and on the first day of class, you will also have an interview. The duration of the program is up to you if not otherwise stated: from one week and to 52 weeks (except the programs with fixed dates).

In 2013, Edu-Inter has welcomed more than 550 students from 32 different countries!

ebacd101-5.jpg (70015 bytes)For accommodation, Edu-Inter offers host families all year round with 1, 2 or 3 meals or residence on and off-campus during the summer program only.

Edu-Inter offers a wide variety of programs for adults around the year. The Intensive French which is the most popular program. Edu-Inter also has Standard Program, Super Intensive, summer and winter for Teenagers and Academic Year.

What are the advantages of studying French in Québec City?

- 100% French environment
- One of the safest cities in the world
- Declared as UNESCO world heritage site
- The cost of living is one of the most reasonable in all major cities in Canada
- Unique events: Québec Summer Festival (July 3-13), outdoors circus show by Cirque du Soleil, Quebec Winter Carnival, Ice Hotel, New France Festival, etc.

What are the advantages of studying French at Edu-inter?

- Excellent location, in downtown Québec City, 100% French immersion in school.
- Free access to the excellent facilities in campus: weight room, gymnasium, restaurant, student lounge, internet café, computer rooms, caféteria and library.

ebacd101-3.jpg (71969 bytes)Courses at Edu-Inter follow the DELF international program and teach French of France, Québec and other European countries.

- Host families are 100% French speakers.
- Edu-Inter offers a wide variety of cultural and recreational activities

PROGRAMS : Edu-Inter French School offers Standard French Program (15 hrs), Intensive French (22.5 hrs), Super Intensive French (27.5 hrs), summer programs, winter programs, academic year, multiactivities like cooking and French, tennis and French, equitation and French,  circus and French, music and French, cine and French, French + squi, French + snowboarding, as well as exam preparation, high school in French and high School in English


Edu-Inter French School
755 Grande-Allée Ouest
Quebec City, QC G1S 1C1
Phone : +1 418 573 5956

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